

培訓班機構教室裝修設計 ? 深圳市寶安區西鄉后視覺設計培訓機構



項目位于深圳市寶安區西鄉,周圍店鋪都是與做教育有關,學習氛圍比較濃郁,項目位于樓層的轉角處,是極為一個不規則的空間。 This project is located at the University City Business and Trade Center, Level 2, surrounded by shops and businesses that are all related to education, so a learning atmosphere is very prominent. The project is positioned in one of the far corners on level 2, which is an extremely irregular space.


本案的設計靈感來源于“解構主義”設計思想,用分解的觀念,強調打碎、疊加、重組,重視個體,部件本身。 The project designer?s inspiration comes from the idea of “deconstructivism”. By using the idea of deconstructing, emphasizing broken pieces and overlay, re-organizing, and valuing individuality and each component.


設計師將一個正方形劃分為若干個不規則的一小部分,將其中的形狀打亂并加以組合運用到空間中。 The designer has divided the original square format into a small number of irregular parts by mixing different shapes together and combining them into one space.


在空間色彩上采用了白、黑、紅三個顏色作為主色彩,凸顯教育空間的正式。頂面造型與墻面相連,使得空間更加的整體。 The ceiling design and the wall are connected, making the space seem completed and whole.There are three main colours used in the space; white, black, and red, which highlight the formalness of education.


在空間布局上突破了慣有培訓機構的單調與沉悶,大廳的功能被強化出來,既可以在此交流專業知識,又可以舉行小型的分享派對。 This type of layout breaks through the dullness of common education institutes. The design of the space has also reinforced the function of the main sitting area, a comfortable place to exchange expertise and hold a small party.

